How to Repair a Damp Patch on Your Ceiling

Construction & Contractors Blog

It can be rather alarming to see a damp patch on your ceiling. It's something that needs to be rectified as soon as possible, otherwise the problem can become very serious indeed. So what should you do if you notice an unsightly damp patch on your otherwise pristine ceiling? And can you take care of it yourself?

Get a Thorough Inspection

You will need to look inside your ceiling cavity to identify the cause of the damp. There are a number of likely causes. It might be a leaking pipe, or there could be a problem with your roof. You might need to actually climb onto your roof to see if you can notice any damage that might be allowing water inside. The cause needs to be fixed, otherwise the problem will quickly return, so please call a plumber or roofer if applicable.

Dry Out the Area

Once the cause of the damp has been identified and repaired, the affected area will slowly dry of its own accord (although this is not enough to remove the damp patch). You can place a small dehumidifier inside the ceiling cavity to speed up the process. Be sure to periodically check the dehumidifier so that you can empty its water tanks (to dispose of the extracted moisture) as needed.

Check the State of the Plasterboard

Carefully check the ceiling plasterboard. If it seems to be intact, then you can perform the necessary repairs yourself. If the plasterboard appears to be corroded, you will need to contact a professional ceiling repair company. The affected section of the ceiling will need to be replaced. If the damage is minor, then you can proceed with repairing it yourself.

Scrape Away the Damp

Get on a ladder and gently scrape away the portions of the plasterboard that have been affected by water. You will need a paint scraper or a putty knife. Please be gentle so that you do not remove more of the plasterboard than is necessary. You will need to protect your furniture and flooring with plastic sheeting before you begin to scrape.

Paint a Stain Blocking Primer

You will next need to paint the area with a stain blocking primer. This can be found at any hardware shop. It's a primer that also acts as a sealant and stain blocker. It has a rather strong smell, so please ensure that the room is well-ventilated. You might also want to wear a painting mask or respirator. The primer will fill any cavity left after your scraping, and you should finish with a small paint roller to ensure that the area is perfectly smooth.

Paint the Ceiling

You will now need to paint your ceiling. This is the final step, and you might (unfortunately) need to paint your entire ceiling (as opposed to just the affected area) to ensure uniformity of colour.

So while a damp patch can cause extensive damage when it's not repaired, you can easily take care of most small damp patches by yourself.  


9 June 2016

Compelling and Creative Commentary on Construction and Contractors: A Blog

Welcome! My name is Frances, and this is my first blog. Whether you found me through a Google search or were passed my link by a friend, I am so glad you found my blog. I plan to fill it with a range of commentary on the world of contracting and construction work, and I hope that you find my ideas compelling and creative. I am a dog trainer, but I have always loved the world of construction. I tend to work a lot on the weekends and evenings, when my clients are off work. As a result, I have a lot of time to write during the day, and I decided to create this blog. Thank you for reading.