
A Place in the Sun: 3 Tips for Daylighting Your New School Building

Construction & Contractors Blog

Over the years, studies have shown that students perform better in daylit rooms than they do in those which rely on artificial lighting. Among other benefits, daylight has been found to promote regulated circadian rhythm in school-age children, reducing sleep-related absences and lateness. Daylighting can also reduce the ongoing running and maintenance costs associated with artificial lighting and HVAC. Given that Australia benefits from up to 11 hours of sunshine per day, educators looking to construct new school buildings should be aiming to maximise daylighting in their architectural, structural, and electrical design.

17 November 2016

Bi-fold Doors: UPVC or Aluminium Frames?

Construction & Contractors Blog

So you've decided to opt for bi-fold doors in your extension, or perhaps you're replacing those old patio windows. There are two major frame varieties on the market: UPVC and aluminium. To help you make the best choice for your home, below is a comparison between the two materials which will help you choose the best frame. UPVC frames Standard UPVC frames have a white finish. While this looks amazing when they are first installed in your home, overtime UPVC frames can become discoloured and yellow.

27 July 2016

Four Tips to Help Protect Your Dog From a Sewer Backup


Sewage backups can be quite disgusting, and if you have a dog, you need to take steps to protect your canine from the sewage. Wondering how to keep your dog safe? Take a look at these tips: 1. Take proactive measures. If you really want to protect your home and your dog from a sewage backup, take proactive measures to avoid one. Don't flush things down the toilet that your plumbing cannot handle -- ideally, you should only put toilet paper and feces and liquids down the drain.

18 July 2016

An Insight On Commonly Asked Questions On Screw Piles

Construction & Contractors Blog

When building, you need to get everything right starting from the foundation. A good foundation should be able to support the load from the other parts of the building that are above the ground. In some cases, getting a good foundation can be difficult because of weather and soil conditions. For instance, weak soil may be unable to stand up to the weight of fresh concrete laid for your foundation. This is where screw piles come in handy.

11 July 2016

Cleaning solutions | Home-made cleaner recipes to get rid of grout in tiles

Construction & Contractors Blog

Grout lines are like skin pores; they readily absorb dirt and gunk. That's what makes cleaning tiles a bit of a headache. Passing a mop over the floors doesn't give the tiles their original clean look, and that's why most people opt for cleaning agents. However, these cleaning solutions may be too harsh on your tiles and even pose health risks particularly when your kids ingest them. Home-made solutions can help with the cleaning.

8 July 2016

Squeaks, Rattles And Rollers: Troubleshooting And Repairing A Noisy Garage Door


You might forgive a little squeaking and rumbling coming from your garage door, but unpleasant noises that occur when you open or close your garage door can be indications of more serious mechanical problems. Ignoring a noisy door for long enough can lead to increased wear and mechanical problems, some of which can be potentially dangerous. Fortunately, problems that cause a garage door to become noisy are usually repairable; here are some of the most common noise-causing problems, along with ways they can be fixed:

8 July 2016

Why It May Be Wise to Overlay Concrete Over an Old Asphalt Driveway

Construction & Contractors Blog

Many commercial property owners are not sure about the best approach to take if they would like to give the asphalt driveway a new lease of life. One option is to replace the asphalt on the driveway with new asphalt. Another option is to place a layer of concrete over the old asphalt driveway. This article discusses why it may be a good idea to choose the second option. Reduced Downtime

6 July 2016

What You Might Not Know About Concrete Crack Repairs


Cracks on concrete structures/surfaces are a form of mechanical damage. Cracking is perhaps the most common type of damage to expect with these structures and/or surfaces. If you've been fortunate enough not to have had crack-related problems on your concrete surfaces, here are a few things you may not know about mechanical damage to concrete. Internal Concrete Cracks Can Be Located Without Excessive Demolition Concrete cracks will often develop internally (e.

5 July 2016

5 Things to Consider Before Hiring an Architect

Construction & Contractors Blog

Hiring an architect is perfect when you feel that you have reached your creative limits and you require expert advice take your home renovation project further. However to ensure that your working relationship is a positive one and that you are being provided with the level of service that you expect, try to consider the following 5 things.  1. Think of the budget Hiring an architect can be costly as can renovating a home.

30 June 2016

Insulation for the Metal Roof in Your Commercial Building: Three Ideas

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you have a commercial building with a metal roof, you may want to insulate the roof to reduce your heating and cooling bills. As an added bonus, insulation helps to absorb sound, making rain storms much quieter inside your building. There are several type of commercial insulation you can consider. Take a look at these three options to help you decide what is right for you. 1. Spray-on insulation

30 June 2016