Combating Low Water Pressure

Construction & Contractors Blog

Have you ever stepped into a shower, turned the knob on, only to be trickled by a slow run-down of dribbling water? Low water pressure may not be as big a problem in many households as the more common "too high pressure," but it is a problem. High pressure, on one hand, can cause several problems with pipes, faucets, and even appliances. Low pressure, however, may occasionally necessitate the need for plumbers, especially when devices connected to your plumbing are consequentially not functioning properly.

Low water pressure can be caused by several factors. There may be blockages along your pipes, leaks that reduce the pressure, or even debris buildup within your plumbing system. All of these can be easily corrected by plumbers. But what if the problem is outside your home? What if your municipality has a weak line supplying your home? What if you have a low-pressure well as the main supply of water to your home?

Pumps and tanks combating low pressure

If the problem causing low water pressure within your home is beyond your home plumbing, pumps and tanks are the easiest alternative for combating low pressure. Plumbers can easily ascertain that the problem is beyond your home by conducting checks and tests within the plumbing system. 

Pressure tanks are usually associated with well systems. They can, however, come quite in handy in municipality connected home systems that have a low water pressure problem. The pressure tank will be ideally located after the main shut off valve. The low pressure water arrives to your home and the pressure tank is the first to collect the water. Once collected, the tank then sends the water into your home at the recommended pressures as needed. To further boost pressure, many plumbers recommend the addition of a pump to this system. The pump actively pushes water into the system before it can release the water to the home.

Advantageous pressure

This setting allows a home on a weak line to maintain adequate water pressure within the home. With some pumps, the home owner can even set the specific PSI or water pressure. But, in many instances, pumps may not even be needed. A pressure tank can sufficiently collect water constantly without letting it back up into the supply line, and then direct it to the main home at a constant and reliable pressure. You will not be using too much water; just the right amount of it at the proper pressure for a good shower.


29 June 2016

Compelling and Creative Commentary on Construction and Contractors: A Blog

Welcome! My name is Frances, and this is my first blog. Whether you found me through a Google search or were passed my link by a friend, I am so glad you found my blog. I plan to fill it with a range of commentary on the world of contracting and construction work, and I hope that you find my ideas compelling and creative. I am a dog trainer, but I have always loved the world of construction. I tend to work a lot on the weekends and evenings, when my clients are off work. As a result, I have a lot of time to write during the day, and I decided to create this blog. Thank you for reading.