Mistakes Often Made When Handling Your Own Pothole Repairs


If you own a commercial building of any sort, you may assume that you can handle your own pothole repairs in order to save money and get the repairs done quickly. However, pothole repair isn't always as easy as you might think; it typically means more than just filling in a hole with a patching mixture and being done with it. Note a few mistakes many property owners make when handling their own pothole repairs so you can avoid them yourself, or decide if calling a professional is a better option.

Backer rods

Backer rods are used in larger and deeper cracks or potholes in order to give the patching mixture something to adhere to as it becomes firm and sets; without backer rods, the patching mixture may simply start to become soft and collapse in the middle. These rods are typically best for anything over a hairline or small crack in cement or asphalt, but many property owners who aren't accustomed to making their own pothole repair may not realize that they should be used. Foregoing backer rods can mean patching mixture that becomes soft and which doesn't hold its shape as it dries and especially as it suffers the pressure of traffic. This can mean cracks in the pothole sealing mixture and yet another repair job.


Another common mistake is to assume that you should fill in the pothole as it is, but the hole itself may actually not be big enough to hold the patching mixture in place. You may need to do some excavating to be able to add enough mixture so that it forms a strong bond with the surrounding material and isn't going to chip away easily. You may also need to add some compacted soil under the patching mixture before you pour it; like backer rods, this can give it a better foundation that will keep it in place and keep it firm.


Compacting the patching mix is important, but this needs to be done every few inches or centimeters, not just when the pothole is filled completely. If your pothole is very deep and you don't compact the patching mixture as you pour it, the layers underneath the surface may still remain soft with far too much air to keep the mixture in place and compact. As you fill the pothole, you need to stop and tamp it down regularly to keep the mixture firm and strong, and allow it to set properly.


6 June 2016

Compelling and Creative Commentary on Construction and Contractors: A Blog

Welcome! My name is Frances, and this is my first blog. Whether you found me through a Google search or were passed my link by a friend, I am so glad you found my blog. I plan to fill it with a range of commentary on the world of contracting and construction work, and I hope that you find my ideas compelling and creative. I am a dog trainer, but I have always loved the world of construction. I tend to work a lot on the weekends and evenings, when my clients are off work. As a result, I have a lot of time to write during the day, and I decided to create this blog. Thank you for reading.